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Why are Loio’s scanning results different in one document for Team accounts?
Why are Loio’s scanning results different in one document for Team accounts?
Andrii Parkhomenko avatar
Written by Andrii Parkhomenko
Updated over a week ago

Working with contracts in Loio’s Team accounts makes reviewing and drafting more streamlined in your daily workflow.

When you go to your User’s Menu, click Settings to review which types of issues and Key Terms categories you have set for scanning your contract. Based on these settings, Loio will detect only specific items you have enabled.

When you’re opening the document from your colleagues, Loio can notify you of the different document settings. Why?

Suppose you have set multiple types of issues to display after scanning, e.g. “words and numbers don’t match”, “inconsistent amount spelling”, “impossible date”, etc. Meanwhile, your teammate has disabled all types of issues and enabled Key Terms only. As a result, the Contract Health Score in two versions of the same document may be different.

In this case, you can choose two paths:

  1. To use your customization and go on reviewing the contract right away;

  2. To learn more about your colleague’s settings and enable them if needed.

Once you choose path 2, you will see the new window of your teammate’s settings. For sure, you can make changes to them and then go for proofreading your document.

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